Welcome to St. Thérèse of Lisieux Catholic Elementary School.
It is my pleasure to serve as the Principal of this vibrant and diverse school community. I am committed to providing the best Catholic Education possible for the children entrusted in my care.
As a Catholic school community, we are working to follow the Gospel message of Jesus and to integrate His message of love in all that we do. We have high expectations for student achievement and help our children recognize that when mistakes are made learning takes place. It is our goal to nurture our children to grow and develop to be lifelong learners and responsible, caring citizens when they leave our care.
Our staff are dedicated in establishing a school climate that is safe, welcoming and inclusive. It is our belief that all of our children have many God given talents and gifts. In our school, all children are welcomed and valued members of our community. We pray, learn, work and play together so that each child can archive their fullest potential. This happens because we believe each belongs.
At St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Restorative Practices are also used at school to build the foundations of community and belonging. We are working to teach our children empathy and strategies to resolve conflict as they arise so that relationships are repaired. The ability to show empathy is important in teaching children to be accepting and respecting of each others’ differences.
We are grateful of our partnership with our Parish Priest, Pastor Fr. Paul Edmonstone and our families so that we can collaborate and work together to ensure our children can grow and develop academically, spiritually and socially. This partnership is key for success.
This year, we welcome new to our staff:
- Mr. Tshibwabwa, Special Education Resource Teacher
- Mrs. Mason-Moscalo - FDK- B Teacher, Mr. Reid -- FDK - C Teacher, Mrs. Dinzio/Mrs. Moniz -- FDK D - Teachers
- Mrs. Finelli - Grade 2
- Mrs. Jarvis - Grade 5
- Mrs. Meyers - Grade 7
- Mrs. Lee - Educational Assistant
- Mrs. Walker - Educational Assistant
On behalf of the wonderful staff at St. Thérèse of Lisieux we look forward to working with our students, parents, families, and parish to ensure that our students can learn and grow to their fullest potential.
May our dearest St. Thérèse continue to spread her “flowers of love” and blessings on our Catholic School community.
Mrs. G. Cino