November 11-15 is Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week at St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Together, our school Mental Health Team and Health Action Team, have planned some activities to promote a safe school and a positive learning environment. Our goal is to ensure that all of our children come to know they are valued, members of our school community, each created in the image of God.
Our theme for this year is: Be a Buddy Not a Bully

We remain committed to zero tolerance for bullying. Unlike normal conflict that we encounter every single day as humans, bullying is the repeated act of intentionally harming someone else through words or action that leave the victim feeling powerless, unloved and unwelcome. We continue to implore students to report any and all cases. For older students, we remind them that the reporting will remain anonymous. Please also remember the online reporting tool:
Please continue to support your child as they work through social problems, understanding the difference between right and wrong. As parents, it is important to recognize whether your child is being bullied, or is the bully. The goal is to raise our children to be confident, caring, lifelong learners who are responsible citizens that love and serve God.
St. Thérèse Bullying Prevention Plan November 2024.pdf