The Kindergarten Communication of Learning & Elementary Progress Reports (Grades 1-8) will be sent home on Friday, November 15, 2024. This will give your family an early look as to how your son/daughter is progressing.
The Grade 1- 8 Progress Report will describe progress to this point in the areas of the Learning Skills, Work Habits and Subjects. As learning skills improve, academic achievement will improve. Learning Skills and Work Habits. The development of learning skills and work habits is an integral part of your child’s learning and contributes substantially to his/her success.
The learning skills that you will see on the Elementary Progress Report are: a) Responsibility b) Organization c) Independent Work d) Collaboration e) Initiative f) Self-regulation
Student progress in developing these learning skills and work habits will be evaluated on the scale of E- Excellent, G– Good, S – Satisfactory, and N – Needs Improvement. Your child’s teacher will also provide some supporting comments that will highlight areas of particular strength and suggestions for next steps for improvement.
You will also be provided information about how your child is progressing towards achieving the expectations in specific subject areas. Based on the teacher’s professional judgment and knowledge of each individual student, your child’s general progress is indicated by one of three descriptors:
Progressing Very Well: This describes student performance that, up to this point in the year, consistently meets or exceeds the provincial standard for achievement (i.e., Level 3 or higher). Parents of students progressing at this level can be confident that their son/daughter is progressing as expected at his/her grade level.
Progressing Well: This descriptor describes student performance that is slightly below the provincial standard (i.e., Level 2) based on student performance to this point in the year. This would also describe student performance that is inconsistently at the provincial standard. Students performing at this level need to work on identified learning gaps to ensure future success.
Progressing with Difficulty: This descriptor describes student performance that is falling significantly below the provincial standard (i.e., Level 1 or below) based on the evidence the teacher has collected to this point in the year. Students who are Progressing with Difficulty must work at significantly improving learning in specific areas if they are to be successful in this school year.
Please assist your child, and us, by continuing to be an active part of their education:
-Ensure that they are present at school, on time, each day.
-Check and sign the student agenda every night.
- Look for the agenda as soon as your son/daughter arrives home
- Establish a set homework time and supervise them as they do their homework
- Read to, and with, your child every day
- Expect the very best for your child at all times
- Remind them they are loved every day