The Countdown to Christmas

Countdown to Christmas
Posted on 12/15/2023

The STLT student leadership team are leading us in a great week in preparation for Christmas!  Pleases note the following Countdown to Christmas: 

  • “Mary" Monday- students are encouraged to wear a blue top and uniform bottom to celebrate Mary as we prepare for the coming of Jesus. Advent Week Three Assemblies -- First assembly -- 9:40am grades 2, 3/4, 3B, 4, 6, 8, KC and KD. Second Assembly -- 11am --- grades 1, 3A, 5, 7, KA and KB. 

  • Tacky Tuesday- everyone's chance to wear that "ugly" Christmas sweater or anything else that's tacky!? Students must wear uniform bottoms 

  • Waiting Wednesday- Nativity play performed by our Grade 8 students, regular uniform day. Nativity Performance schedule -- First assembly -- 1pm grades 2, 3/4, 3B, 4, 6, 8, KC and KD. Second Assembly -- 2:40pm --- grades 1, 3A, 5, 7, KA and KB 

  • Thermal Thursday- Full uniform day (Students may wear a hat, toque, Santa hat, or winter accessories). 

  • Festive Friday – Students are encouraged to wear a festive wear (red, white, green) in celebration of the holidays. This is a full civvies day (please ensure your child dresses appropriately for our dress-down days, selecting clothing that is reflective of our uniform policy). Advent Week Four Assemblies -- First assembly -- 9:40am grades 2, 3/4, 3B, 4, 6, 8, KC and KD. Second Assembly -- 11am --- grades 1, 3A, 5, 7, KA and KB. 
