Welcome to a new school year!

Welcome to STL 2024-2025
Posted on 08/30/2024

Welcome families to STL! We look forward to welcoming back our returning students, and welcoming to our community all of our new children and families. 

Please review the following items of information as we begin to establish new protocols for our school year:

Students in SK- Grade 8 will begin school on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024.




9:00 Supervision begins (playground Grade 1-8; Free Entry for FDK)

 9:15 Instructional time begins

10:35-10:50 am Morning recess

12:00-12:50 pm Lunch

2:10 – 2:25 pm Afternoon recess 

3:35 pm Dismissal

First Day of School:

SK students enter classes at the Kindergarten doors.

Grade 1-8 Students:

Meet your teacher on the playground near your assigned entrance.  Teachers will hold a sign with their name. 

New families of St. Thérèse of Lisieux – If you are uncertain where to go or did not receive notice of your child’s class placement please come to the front doors of the school and either Mrs. Hoodless or Mrs. Rillo will assist you.  



Staggered entry for our JK/SK students daily from 9:00 am – 9:15 am.  Parents and caregivers can drop their child off to the educator in the gated area of the FDK classes. Please do not come into the school.

Children arriving to school on the bus will be escorted through the school to their classes. 


All students in Grade 1- 8 will begin their day outside on the playground (field closed for the start of the day).  At the bell, Grade 1 – 6 children will line up at their designated doors and lines.  Grade 7 & 8 students will have “free entry” into the school, from their assigned doors.  

Children in Grade 1-8 arriving on the bus will walk to the playground.

*Please review the School Entry & Dismissal chart at the end of this letter.


All parents, guardians, and older siblings are to report to the school office, sign the visitors’ book and receive a visitor’s sticker upon arrival. Visitors/parents or guardians, will not be permitted to your child’s class once instructional time has begun. If you wish to speak to your child, your child’s teacher, or to drop off an item, this will be arranged through the office.

All visitors to the school that are staying in the building are required to wear a visitor’s sticker that will be provided by the school secretary after the person has signed in. If you are delivering lunches, etc., please leave them at the office.


Students are expected to be at school for morning and afternoon sessions at least five minutes before the entry bell so that they can begin their lessons promptly. A student is late if they arrive at school after his/her class has entered the school. Late students are asked to report to the office pick up a late slip, which will then be given to the homeroom teacher. Children will make their way to class on their own, or with assistance from one of us in the office. 


Families, dogs are not permitted on school grounds during the school day (this would not apply to service or therapy dogs). Some children have allergies to animal hair/dander or have a fear of dogs. There is also a possibility of a child being scratched or bitten by a dog. Please remember this includes the times you are dropping off your child to school in the morning or picking them up to take them home.

We are excited to welcome our children and look forward to creating a school environment that supports student well-being for all.

 STL - Service, Teamwork, Learning